Aquatic ecosystems
There are two types of this ecosystem.
Marine ecosystems
There are two types:
According to their distance from the coast:
Are divided into two zones:
-Neritic zone: It extends from the shore to the edge of the continental shelf.
-Oceanic zone: It is in offshore beyond the continental shelf.
According by the depth:
Are divided into three zones:
-Pelagic zone: Stretches down to 200 metres.
-Bathyal zone: Range from 200 and 2000 metres.
-Abyssal zone: Lies below 2000 metres.
Freshwater ecosystems
There are two types:
Lentic ecosystem:
They are the standing water, and and includes among others the wetlands.
Lotic ecosystem:
They are the flowing water, and includes:
-Torrents: They are watercourses that have a variable discharge and a short course.
-Rivers: They are permanent watercourses that run through fixed channels in valleys.